• Hi,
    I’ve developed a site which is a couple of pages, uses php and javascript.
    I’d like to move it to WordPress – can I just move the code or do I need to build the pages from scratch in a WordPress theme?

    Thanks for any help

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Moderator Steven Stern (sterndata)


    Volunteer Forum Moderator

    You need to build the pages on WordPress.

    Looking at your site, it seems that this shouldn’t be too hard. (You might consider a color scheme for the text that has a bit more contrast. It’s hard to read for my old eyes.)

    Thread Starter blogdropper


    Thanks Steve,
    Your advice is very much appreciated.
    I guessed that I’d have to rebuild the pages.
    Can you suggest a theme that’s appropriate for this project.
    The other problem I’m having is creating a version that’s good for mobile, and was wondering if there’s a way in WordPress to detect mobile and open a different page.


    Thread Starter blogdropper


    The format I thought was more suitable for mobile was rivka-aderet.art

    Moderator Steven Stern (sterndata)


    Volunteer Forum Moderator

    WordPress themes are usually responsive, so they adapt and you don’t need different pages. My aesthetic sense is somewhat lacking, so I’ll just refer you to https://wordpress.org/themes.

    Get the site built first, then tweak. Remember, all web sites are eternally beta.

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