• Guillermo


    Hi Author

    two questions !

    1° I wonder if you can add more positions to “leader board”…
    I would like: 15 positions…
    Is possible ?

    2° Paying the premium support, you would help me to add “more news features” to this plugin?…
    Or this is only paid support …. to answer our questions faster …

    Thank you very much.


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  • Greetings Guillermo:

    Thank you for choosing to use this plugin!

    The premium support gives you priority email support as well as priority feature requests. So, when you request a new feature, your request gets added to the top of the list of requested features. For those with premium support, when I build the feature I contact the person requesting it to make sure it is built exactly as they need it.

    If you decide on not getting the premium support, I will still add your request for more leaderboard positions to the list for you. However, I will not be able to add it until after finishing the requests from the premium support members. This usually results in requests from non-premium members being added about 3-4 weeks after the request is made though it can vary based on many circumstances.

    Best Regards


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