• Resolved treeplo


    I noticed that the menu in the navbar, for a certain screen width, the “more” item is cut and added for the last items.

    I want to disable this behavior.

    Thanks for your availability and for the nice theme you have created.

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  • Theme Author creativethemeshq


    Hello @treeplo,
    Our menu uses a smart responsive functionality that detects when your menu has too much items and in order to not break the layout or stack the items – it automatically adapts and put the last items inside a More item that are displayed in a dropdown.

    Here is a better explanation of this flow from CSS Tricks – https://css-tricks.com/the-priority-navigation-pattern/.

    Unfortunately this functionality can’t be turned off but if you will have less items in the top level menu it won’t enable this functionality because the menu will have enough room.
    Hope you will understand me right.


    Thread Starter treeplo


    Thanks for the reply,
    where can I translate the string “more” to my language.

    In the future I hope it is possible to disable this feature.
    Thank you.

    Theme Author creativethemeshq


    Hey @treeplo you can find here Blocksy’s translation project.

    To be honest I don’t understand why would you need to disable such a functionality – it could turn out like this or this with this feature disabled.

    Please note that this behavior (with the more item) is auto enabled only when you have a lot of items in your menu and they simply can’t fit well and don’t have enough room in the row.

    Hope this makes sense.

    Thread Starter treeplo


    Thanks for the quick response,

    I explain you:
    In my nav I have 6 items and the last item that is hidden is “contacts”.

    I think this can affect lead generation as the user does not immediately see the contact page and the “more” strategy is little known and unexpected for the user.

    Theme Author creativethemeshq


    @treeplo could you share your website URL so I could take a closer look?

    Thread Starter treeplo


    sorry, I built this website in local

    Theme Author creativethemeshq


    A screenshot could also help a little bit 😉
    If you don’t want to share it to everyone then please submit a support ticket here and attach the screenshot.

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