• Resolved Shadician


    I’m looking for a way for my users to pay a monthly subscription to receive a monthly top-up in their WooWallet. What’s the best way to go about doing this – is it even possible?

    From your description page I do see you support: ‘WooCommerce Subscriptions’. A couple of questions:
    1. There seem to be several plugins with this name, so can I confirm this is the one you mean: https://woocommerce.com/products/woocommerce-subscriptions/ ?
    2. I can see how this could work for subscribing to receive a certain product each month, but is there a way to link it so it’s possible to subscribe and receive a set amount of WooWallet credit each month?

    Many thanks for your help! WooWallet is a very cool plugin and the most comprehensive yet simple wallet system for WooCommerce I have come across so far.

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  • Plugin Author Subrata Mal


    Hi @shadician,

    No by default there is no way to top-up user wallet with WooCommerce subscription plugin but you can do so by some custom coding.

    is there a shortcode to use to create a page that can be used to add wallet credit to any wallet so that anyone can add credit to any wallet

    Thread Starter Shadician


    Hi @subratamal thank you for your response. I’d love to do this with some custom coding but could you point me in the right direction?

    I thought I could just duplicate the WooWallet product and set it to a variable subscription product type, but there is no way I can see to set the different monthly top-up amounts. What’s the easiest way for me to customise it so this will work?

    Many thanks

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by Shadician.

    Hi @shadician,

    I have the same demand for recurrent subscripton of credits.
    Do you solved?

    Tks in advance.

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