• Resolved greentreefrog


    WordFence (security plugin) sent notification yesterday that two files were modified on both our production and staging sites:



    Are these changes expected, or should I scan for viruses and delete and then reinstall your plugin?

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  • Plugin Support Karina


    Hello, can I ask if you updated the plug-in before this (manually or automatically)? There is no known security vulnerability. Please feel free to contact us at hi@support.premio.io for any questions.

    Thread Starter greentreefrog


    The plugin is currently at Version 2.6.9 and automatic updates is on. Why WordFence would have flagged it for file changes is a mystery. I just looked at the plugin files and they were all last modified on March 21, 2024 at 6:39 AM (probably my local time, PDT). I will ask WordFence about this.


    Plugin Support Karina


    Hi again, I just received a confirmation from our developer that we have indeed modified the plug-in for the upcoming version of WordPress (6.5) and in making some small changes in the signup form. Hope this helps!

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