• Hi
    I love oceamnwp but am new to it. Im using them modal add on and love it.

    I have a use case where the exact URL for the modal varies (it contains some query string params) so i cant create a modal and give it any content, as i normally would.

    I have tried simply adding the owm-open-modal class to the existing link, but it doesnt work.

    is there any way of achieving this, where the modal’s content is not fixed ?

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  • Thread Starter billyqureshi


    Yes but simply adding the class to the link doesn’t work because there isn’t a modal set up with that url.
    I can’t set up a modal because the url (and so the content) is dynamic – the page shows a database entry and the link contains …./entry/entryid so I can’t create a modal because entryid changes.
    Is this therefore not possible to achieve ?


    Do you mean, you are not creating any modal template and only using the modal class and a dynamic page URL?

    If yes, then it will not work, you need to create the modal first by following the above docs.

    and Kindly share the steps to replicate the issue, so I can try it at my local and check.

    ALso share the related settings snapshots that you are using.

    Thread Starter billyqureshi


    Hi abishek
    Yes you are correct – I am not creating the Modal. I just want to add the modal class to an URL.
    The reason is that the URL is always changing. For example domain.com/entries/176 and the entry number will always vary.
    I will assume then that I cannot use the modals to do this.


    Unfortunately, that is not possible.
    You can achieve it by the custom codes but unfortunately, it falls under Personal Customization, and as such is out of our scope: https://docs.oceanwp.org/article/685-support-policy
    Usually, when it comes only to a few lines of code, we are more than eager to help everyone achieve the desired look. However, this is really more than that, and I would kindly advise you to consult a professional on this matter.
    Hope this helps and best of luck with your website

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