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  • Plugin Author Wow-Company


    Yes, It’s possible. After inserted the modal window on the site, you can add the link like #wow-modal-id-X, where X- modal window ID, in the main menu

    If you insert link for mobile menu (at least on my Android phone), tapping the link closes the mobile menu and the modal window never displays.

    I want the normal modal button not showing on mobile devices, since it covers text of my site, as visitors scroll.

    I need a button that gets inserted after the WordPress page heading; or a primary menu item that opens the modal in another tab of the phone browser; or maybe the menu item simply expands the hidden div that is already part of the page.

    Update: I got what I wanted by editing the Modal settings:

    1) Button, Show Button: No (would be nice to have option to show only on wide screens, without CSS media query)

    2) Display Rules, Devices Control, Don’t Show on Screens: uncheck all

    Then having the link in the mobile or desktop site menu works, and link in the footer works.

    Scroll bar is hard to see on mobile, so I put a note at the top of my modal to scroll to see all.

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