• Resolved htz77


    TEC has a mobile/responsive bug on my site. On deskop, when the Month view first loads (on mysite.com/events/), it properly shows the desktop view, and the outermost div includes these 3 CSS classes :

    • tribe-common–breakpoint-xsmall 
    • tribe-common–breakpoint-medium 
    • tribe-common–breakpoint-full

    But when a user navigates to another month (on mysite.com/events/month/2024-02/), TEC incorrectly uses the MOBILE VIEW. That happens because those 3 breakpoint classes are lost from that div.

    Yet, if the page is reloaded via browser refresh button, the view is again correctly the Desktop view, with the 3 needed classes.

    Seems like a JS bug? I do not see js errors on browser console.


    • My block-editor for events is disabled.
    • Site is bulit in Bricks Builder. But otherwise it works ok (though editing TEC templates to alter layouts and override TEC css is quite difficult)

    Any assistance greatly appreciated.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support tristan083


    Hi @tzeldin88 ,

    Thank you for reaching out.

    I suspect there’s a conflict that’s causing the issue here. It would be good to test for conflicts. Could you follow the following steps?

    1. Deactivate all other plugins except for The Events Calendar Plugins.
    2. Switching to the Default theme.

    Please read the Testing for Conflicts Article before doing anything. 

    To be safe, we’d recommend conducting tests and updates on a Staging Server. Also, please keep a working backup of your website.

    Plugin Support Darian


    Hi there,

    It appears that we haven’t heard back from you in a while, so I’ll assume that the matter has been resolved. If you need any more help, feel free to start a new thread and we’ll be happy to assist you.

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