• Resolved laksha2804


    Hello, When I am viewing in mobile’s view, my active menu remains blue. I have changed everything according to me. Also, when I am clicking to open the hamburger menu or the close icon, the click color is blue (not active color, only when I hold on the icon). Everything works correctly on Desktop though.

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  • gowinda



    can you provide a screenshot or recording of what setting you have changed?

    we need more context to be able to help you.

    thank you

    Thread Starter laksha2804


    My color is the brownish gold but when I am viewing in mobile mode, it shows active blue. I cannot find settings for active color for mobile.




    to address the problem, find your nav menu block in editor. select the style tab in the panel, then find the item menu style. select active tab and then change the color there.

    to make it responsive, just change the device type in the editor and then change the setting with device icon beside it.

    Thread Starter laksha2804


    When I changed the device type, the active color changed successfully, thank you. However when I am clicking on the menu and close icon, there is still a blue color on the onclick event. Please see video.




    that click highlight is a built-in HTML effect. Unfortunately, our plugin doesn’t have a function to remove it. if it bothers you, you can use custom CSS code.

    .gutenverse-hamburger-menu, .gutenverse-close-menu {
         -webkit-tap-highlight-color: transparent;

    this code should do the job.

    Thread Starter laksha2804


    Thank you. It worked.



    you are welcome!

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