• I can’t seem to find a place where I can edit the way the hamburger menu looks. It is still formatted like the default theme colours and with the Intrace logo. I only have the hamburger menu on mobile so I can’t click into it on desktop. I saw another thread asking about this but the ‘nav menu’ that fixes it is nowhere to be found.

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  • Hi,

    intrace default nav menu should be on its header pattern. there are two ways you can access the header part.

    • Go to Appearance > Editor and on the editor page the one show should be the home page and at the top should be your header pattern. the header pattern will be used on every page and post.
    • Go to Appearance > Editor > Pattern > Header the you can find the nav menu block

    here is a video for reference :

    The option to edit the mobile menu should be on the panel on the right side of the editor site.

    please let me know if you have any more questions.

    • This reply was modified 1 week, 6 days ago by gowinda.
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