• Hi! Breezes is amazing. Congratulations for the great job! The performance is very high! But I am no longer able to use it due to not having a separate mobile cache feature. My site has a mobile home version different from the desktop version due to some design and performance conditions and without this feature it is not possible to load the correct version.
    Are there plans to include this feature?
    Thank you!

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  • Plugin Author adeelkhan


    Thanks for sharing your experience.
    We will add your feedback to our feature development list.

    Thread Starter laserstore


    @adeelkhan I’m looking forward to it. Please let me know if this feature is available.

    This is now a must have feature. I just ran into an issue where wp_is_mobile is called but the cache for mobile and desktop is the same in breeze. Therefore mobile devices get the same cache data as desktop which simply won’t work in todays mixed device world.

    Breeze needs this option to store mobile cache separate from desktop for sure (including on the varnish side)

    I’ve had to disable or bypass caching on certain pages to avoid issues between devices.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by ccolotti.
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