• Resolved nerokin



    We have problems with translations of data-tooltips. The strings are recognized and are also fully translated, but are not displayed.
    The elements in which the strings are located were created with the Genesis Custom Blocks plugin. Here is the corresponding code for the custom block:

    <span data-tooltip="{{tooltip}}" data-flow="bottom">
    <a href="{{link}}">
    <img src="{{icon}}"/>

    The advanced setting in your plugin “Fix missing dynamic content” unfortunately did not help either.

    Is this a problem with data-tooltips, Genesis Custom Blocks or even a combination problem? How can we solve this?

    We look forward to your reply and thank you in advance!


    WordPress Version 6.5.5
    TranslatePress Version 2.8.0
    Genesis Custom Blocks Version 1.7.0

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Thread Starter nerokin


    We just found out that you are placing the translated string into a new aria-label attribute.

    The aria-label and data-tooltip attributes serve different purposes:
    aria-label is specifically for accessibility, providing a label for screen readers, while data-tooltip is for displaying additional information in a tooltip.

    So, the translation is not showing up, because it is placed into an aria-label which will not be displayed on the screen, because it is for screen readers.

    Thread Starter nerokin


    Why don’t you answer this? I can see that you are answering others. Even though the posts are much more recent than mine. My request is now over 4 days old. I have even identified the problem for you.
    If you’re so keen on bad reviews, you can let me know that too. That can be arranged.

    Plugin Support Andrei


    Hello there,

    Thank you for reaching out to us and reporting this!

    We apologize for not getting back to you any sooner, I was out of office and could not get back to you any sooner!

    I will make sure to forward this information to our development team so we can get this fixed.

    We thank you for your patience so far!

    Plugin Support Andrei


    After a talk with a member of our team, I need to clarify that TranslatePress doesn’t have the ability to detect or translate data-tooltips. Unfortunately, data-attributes are not processed by our plugin.

    A potential workaround for this might be to switch from using tooltips to title tags. This change should enable the successful translation of these elements.

    I understand this might not be the ideal solution, but currently, it’s the only way to have such content translated through TP.

    Thread Starter nerokin


    Thank you for taking care of the problem. This is indeed not an ideal solution, but it works. Here’s our updated code snippet:

    <span title="{{tooltip}}">
    <a href="{{link}}">
    <img src="{{icon}}" alt="{{tooltip}}" />

    We recommend that you extend the functionality of your plugin accordingly.

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