• Resolved pmrvkr



    Website is updated, my plugins are also updated, my theme is updated.

    2 days ago i was uploading images to my website and creating posts with images from media library with zero issues, today i went on my website and 2/3 of my media library images dont display (image below):

    When i click show media file i get a 404:

    As an example, this is the link for a missing file:


    Maybe the wp-content/uploads/ link is broken, i dont know.

    Removed the option from settings-media-uploading files for uploaded images to be grouped into year/month, but it didnt work.

    Repaired MySQL database in cPanel. Didnt work.

    Every new image i upload has the same issue of being uploaded but then not showing/missing.

    In another post on this forum with the same issue, someone said to rename the upload folder in the PHP file but i kinda dont wanna do it unless its the fix.

    Hope i provided enough info on the matter for someone to help with the issue.


    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Hello @pmrvkr

    Thanks for giving detailed information about your issue, firstly I wanna know did you tried disabling plugins and themes to check when the issue occurred because as you say you already updated themes plugins so some of the plugins do not work on some themes it’s might happen so first check this and also check the image path it’s might happen sometime image path is not proper so check both and let me know if you get anything.

    I’m having the same issue. But images disappeared before the update and are yet to reappear. Styling and containers have also disappeared apost-upgrade.

    • This reply was modified 1 month, 4 weeks ago by hildos.
    Thread Starter pmrvkr


    Hey @bug_killer,

    Uninstalled all my plugins, 1 at a time and tested in between to upload an image to media library, every time i did it the image was missing even it being just uploaded.

    Also activated Hello World theme and deactivated my website theme, same happened with the media upload, its still broken.

    About image path, i dont know what you are trying to point out. But my local image folder has 800 images in png or webp format, a third is showing up on media library and my website, the other 2 thirds are not, but they all have the same path, from the same folder. Dunno if this was what you were asking.

    Any help would be highly apreciated.

    I am sacing same problem.

    Deleting wp-content/uploads/.htaccess worked for me.

    Thread Starter pmrvkr


    Deleting .htacess in cPanel worked? Doesnt that break other stuff on the website? @varunvaze

    Mine doesn’t seem to have that file… but I am a rookie so I might be looking in the wrong place.

    @hildos can you share which path you are looking?

    @pmrvkr  go to media then click on those images then one popup box will open named attachment-details in that popup you can check the right side and scroll down file-URL then check the path and check that path in your files.

    Hello, I have exactly the same issue.

    my customers asked me if we are still open due to the website missing all the images.

    even when uploading new images they do not display.

    hope someone can help find a cure.

    Thread Starter pmrvkr


    @bug_killer do you advise deleting .htacess from wp-content/uploads in cPanel File Manager?

    @pmrvkr do one thing take a backup of that file then remove it you have testing and trying because we can not identify the proper issue so it might work or might not but first do as I say then you can go for it but first take a backup of that file and take a backup so if something goes wrong you can restore it. 

    Thread Starter pmrvkr


    @bug_killer when you say take a backup you mean download that file to my PC. Cause i never have backedup my website in cPanel and dont know how to do it. I just use a plugin for wordpress where i create checkpoints (save points).

    @pmrvkr ,
    Yes download that file and for a website, you can use the plugin it’s an easy and good way to take a backup.

    Thread Starter pmrvkr


    Worked like a charm! Dunno what caused it, but it must have been on WP side, cause so many of us had that issue. Thanks guys

    • This reply was modified 1 month, 4 weeks ago by pmrvkr.

    I am a complete rookie and having same problem. Is this something WordPress will address?

    All media files are missing and cannot upload new ones.

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