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  • Thread Starter allm


    I just checked some more. It is the little icon just before the header “Collapse-O-Matic” on the settings page. I can see it in the screenshot at:

    The icon is not in the current download. I just saw you are away for 2 weeks. Have a nice holiday (that’s what it is, isn’t it?). I’ll see your response later. Not a major issue.. . 😉

    Thread Starter allm


    Just fixed it for the time being by getting the printer icon from the Print-o-matic plugin, renaming it and moving it to the images folder…

    Thread Starter allm


    Hi Baden,

    I see that you’re back. Might be a good idea to have a look at this thread before the next release. Just a minor issue. Couldn’t find a bigger one… 😉

    Plugin Author Baden


    Added to the repo for the next release. Thank you.

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