• I’m having a problem with my captions not displaying in my posts. It worked on a couple posts. Now I can’t get the captions to show after I add them in the image edit screen. I looked at past posts in the forum and although there were other instances of this, I didn’t see any with an answer. Any assistance will be greatly appreciated.

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  • A link to your site might help.

    Thread Starter jaxong


    Thread Starter jaxong


    Can anyone help with this?

    Sorry – I needed some sleep and then had to do the “paid work” thing. I can see some posts that have captions (eg the 3rd post in your front page), so you you point me at a page that demonstrates the problem?

    Thread Starter jaxong


    Hey No Prob,
    Post #6 has one caption and one photo does not. They should both have captions, and the ones that do have captions, they were accomplished by using div tags or tables.

    Let me know if there is any other info I can provide.

    Hmm…no evidence of any caption in the page source. Are you using any image plugins? Come to that, what plugins are you using?

    Also, any chance you could temporarily switch to the default theme to see if that resolves the problem?

    It looks like something is actively stopping the normal captioning process – which suggests either a bad plugin or a theme that has re-written some of the native WP image handling functions.

    Thread Starter jaxong


    No plugins yet. I’ll check it out and see if theme is causing the issue by switching to the default as you suggested. I’ll post my findings.
    Thanks esmi!

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