• After upgrading to version 1.0.28, Checkout for PayPal short codes do not create payment buttons for us.  We are using WordPress 6.5.4, PHP, and a child theme based on Twenty Twenty-Two.

    These are the troubleshooting actions I have taken. Keys for API client ID and client secret have been verified for both sandbox and live environments. All other plugins have been deactivated. Load Scripts Globally in Checkout for PayPal settings has been enabled.

    I love this plugin and until now it has been working very well.

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  • Plugin Author Noor Alam


    Hi, Please provide a link to the page where you have the button.

    Thread Starter dan5280


    This is the URL to our payment page.


    Plugin Author Noor Alam


    Thanks. There are some unsupported HTML entities in your button. They are causing an error.

    Have you added the shortcode directly using the core WordPress shortcode block? Try copying and pasting the shortcode into a plain text editor (e.g. notepad) first. It removes hidden formatted characters.

    Thread Starter dan5280


    Thank you for examining the page. As you requested, I have copied the short code text from a text editor (vim) and pasted it into the short code editor, but the buttons still do not display. I have also created a simple page with only one line of text and a Checkout for Paypal button, https://rockymountaincanoeclub.net/paypal-button-test. Same problem exists there.

    This is the short code I have been using: [checkout_for_paypal item_description=”RMCC Membership” amount=”10.00″]

    It is a mystery to me how unsupported HTML is getting introduced to our button. The Checkout for PayPal plugin has been excellent and I would very much like to help figure out what went wrong.

    Plugin Author Noor Alam


    Thanks. It seems the ID in your button doesn’t change when the page is refreshed. Are you just using the output from the shortcode?

    Thread Starter dan5280


    When you say ID in the button, do mean something like this, id=”coforpaypal-button-container-6667a95e6ccf1“? When I did a page refresh and then viewed the page source, this ID changed for me.

    I have only been inserting short code into a page to produce a button, without doing anything else to produce the button.

    Plugin Author Noor Alam


    I see. The page must be cached. Can you please disable the “Load Scripts Globally” checkbox in the plugin settings?

    Thread Starter dan5280


    The Load Scripts Globally option in now disabled for Checkout for PayPal.

    Plugin Author Noor Alam


    Thanks. I have no idea what is changing the entities on the page. You could revert to the older button by removing the secret from the settings.

    Thread Starter dan5280


    Thank you for the recommendation.

    By removing the secret the live PayPal, the Checkout for PayPal button works, and a test transaction worked. I still see a message on dashboard that says “Please update your API credentials in the settings and test to ensure everything is working.”

    Plugin Author Noor Alam


    There is an option now in the settings to disable this message.

    Thread Starter dan5280


    Noor, thank you for the help. Checkout for PayPal is working great for us.

    You are the best.

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