• Hello,

    I’m using Yoast plugin on my website, it was working very well.

    But now, when I modify a Title or a Meta description :
    – In the backoffice edition of the page : my modifications appears, it is saved.
    – In the pages list (Pages > All pages), it doesn’t appear.
    – In the front page, doesn’t appear.

    My database isn’t full. What could happen ?

    Thanks in advance for your help !

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support Mushrit Shabnam


    Hi @vexpertine

    We need more information. When you say In the pages list (Pages > All pages), it doesn’t appear. – are you referring to the new meta description that you added in the edit screen is not appearing in the overview or the meta description area in the overview is empty?

    Thread Starter vexpertine


    Thank you for your reply.

    When I add (or modify) a Title or a meta-description :
    – In the edition of the page itself : it appears in the edit screen, and in the overview. It’s Ok.
    – But in the list of pages (Pages > All pages) the preview is empty (or not updated). Same problem on the frontoffice : modifications are not in the HTML.

    Hope I am clear enough 🙂

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