• Hello,

    First of all the plugin is working great:

    Without the plugin:

    With plugin:

    But there is a problem on my site, on desktop mainly. It is messing the design of the pages and after a mouse moves the design is fixed. You can see the clip: https://reachporn.com/wp-content/uploads/temp.mp4

    So, is it possible to block the plugin for desktop devices? Or can you help me to fix this issue? Otherwise, it will higher the INP.

    Thank you in advance for your time.

    Best Regards,


    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Thread Starter bobivass


    Sorry, for the missed pictures.

    Without plugin:

    With plugin:

    Plugin Author Magazine3


    Hi, Thank you for reaching out to us. Could you please check for conflicts with other plugins. kindly check once and If the problem persists, let us know.

    Thread Starter bobivass


    Hello, thank you for your fast reply.

    Yes, there is a conflict with Debloat plugin. But when I disable it the problem persists, but no mouse move is needed. See the clip, please: https://reachporn.com/wp-content/uploads/temp2.mp4. You can check the page I sent you – Debloat deactivated, Reduced unused CSS activated.

    Thus I have CLS increasing:

    As I mentioned before, the problem is for desktop devices only. I tried to disable it for desktop devices with Plugin Organizer, but this plugin blocks the caching of your plugin – the cached files stay in Queue until I enable your plugin in Plugin Organizer. So if you think this will be easier to fix, it will help.

    Plugin Author Magazine3


    Hi, we are trying to create this issue. Could you please share the Debloat plugin link so we can check it?

    Thread Starter bobivass


    Plugin Author Magazine3


    Hi, We are currently checking this concern and will provide you an update shortly. We kindly request your patience in the meantime.

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