• The URL:

    Theme: Village

    I am trying to add to more categories (menus) to the top navigation of this page. On the admin side, I’ve gone through the motion of clicking on the ‘appearance’ tab and then clicked on ‘menus’. When I go to add a new page to the existing menu, it appears to be added to the list. Then I hit ‘save’. When I look at the site, the new menu should be added on the top right, but instead drops to the bottom left, below the actual menu. Any ideas on the issue?

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  • Have you tried deactivating your plugins to see if any are causing this?

    Have you asked the developer or your theme about this (commercial themes aren’t supported on these forums)?


    BTW, if you are really still using WP3.4.2 – that’s a huge security risk.

    Thread Starter VoSF Team


    The site is not using any plugins.

    I am new to this job, and apparently the developer is only called upon in emergency situations.

    I have not asked the theme, but thank you for the suggestion.

    Also, thank you for bringing this security risk to my attention. I am new to WordPress and didn’t realize the importance of updates.

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  • The topic ‘Menus: top navigation won't add in unordered list’ is closed to new replies.