• Hi,

    I watched the html code for the menu of wordpress, it’s an unordered list (ul li…).
    Is it possible to create an own alignment of the single menuitems?
    I want not to show the menu items just aligned horizontally.
    I want to align them following an arc or whatever.
    But how to use CSS to align each LI element individually following the arc?
    Since the menu can be extended using the admin area I need a css rule which aligns all single menu items following an arc.

    Any idea is welocme, thanks!

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  • You can find most of the stuff here http://codex.wordpress.org/Creating_Horizontal_Menus and additional resources in this page as well.

    Thread Starter mr.burns


    Hi Emil,

    thanks for reply, but this is exactly what I NOT wanted!
    May I did not point out clearly enough.
    I don’t want a horizontal menu, I don’t!
    I want to create a menu where the different sections follow an arc or another shape, but I don’t want to align them horizontally like thousands other WP blogs.
    Since the menu is represented by an unordered list I need to know how I can position/design list elements (where the number of elements is dynamic due to backend settings of menu).
    So each list element must be positioned independently or by a mathematic rule that it follows an arc.

    Any ideas?

    Is there a site out there with similar menu that you can show us? Or this would be something similar. Also see.

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