• I’ve been using self-hosted versions of WordPress since 2.5 and the one aspect that has led to more consternation than any other is the media management for posts. I use WP for a few portfolio sites so media insertion is a key component for me, as I’m sure it is with many other users. I am often forced to use plugins to do things that would be better done as standard practice.

    I think that with version 3 of WP its time to re-examine the way media is managed within posts, and I’ve taken the liberty of creating a mockup for a potential interface.

    Link to image of interface mockup

    I see the main issues coming from the focus of the media management – at the moment it is ‘source-centric’. By that I mean the interface focuses on where the media comes from rather than what you are doing with it.

    I propose a new method that looks at media in a cascading interface, as opposed to the confusing and convoluted ‘tab-based’ approach of current versions of WP.

    The key features of this approach are the following:

    • All media management is done in one screen.
    • It’s possible to have multiple galleries in a post.
    • Add media to ‘groups’ or (movie, sound, image, gallery) and edit that group.
    • Add media ‘items’ to the group (in the case of galleries).
    • It’s possible to grab an image from the media Library to use in a gallery.
    • Remove items from gallery, edit them, and shuffle using ‘drag-and-drop’.

    The image linked to above speaks for itself, and I acknowledge there are many details left to be considered but it’s a starting point.

    Love to read your thoughts.

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