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  • Plugin Author DeBAAT


    I fixed it using the tips described.
    However, I copied the code from the WordPress css itself being:

    /* Fix display attachment-filters */
    .media-frame select.attachment-filters {
        max-width: calc(48% - 12px) !important;

    This because in my screen, I only see two boxes, including the one from MCM.
    What are the conditions when there are more boxes shown?

    Thread Starter net


    Probably the issue has something to do with non-English installations, because combo boxes are wider:

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    Here is the latest patch:

    Change in wp-content/plugins/wp-media-category-management/css/admin.css from:

    .media-frame select.attachment-filters {
        max-width: calc(48% - 12px) !important;


    .media-frame select.attachment-filters {
        max-width: 30% !important;

    Then update wp-content/plugins/wp-media-category-management/include/class-wp-mcm-plugin.php from:

    wp_enqueue_style( $this->plugin_slug .'-admin-styles', WP_MCM_URL . '/css/admin.css', array(), WP_MCM_VERSION . '.1');


    wp_enqueue_style( $this->plugin_slug .'-admin-styles', WP_MCM_URL . '/css/admin.css', array(), WP_MCM_VERSION . '.2' );`

    Note, in official code we should revert back to:

    wp_enqueue_style( $this->plugin_slug .'-admin-styles', WP_MCM_URL . '/css/admin.css', array(), WP_MCM_VERSION );`

    because this change is used just to load patched CSS.

    Thread Starter net


    Patch for the version is below.

    In wp-content/plugins/wp-media-category-management/css/admin.css:

    .media-frame select.attachment-filters {
        /* max-width: calc(48% - 12px) !important; */


    .media-modal-content .media-frame select.attachment-filters {
    	max-width: calc(32% - 12px);

    Update wp-content/plugins/wp-media-category-management/include/class-wp-mcm-plugin.php from:

    wp_enqueue_style( $this->plugin_slug .'-admin-styles', WP_MCM_URL . '/css/admin.css', array(), WP_MCM_VERSION . '.1');


    wp_enqueue_style( $this->plugin_slug .'-admin-styles', WP_MCM_URL . '/css/admin.css', array(), WP_MCM_VERSION . '.2' );


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