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  • Plugin Author shauno


    I want to add the ability to delete specific votes from the dashboard, but I haven’t thought about arbitrarily adding or removing form the total.
    Let me think on it, but I’m not sure I’m super keen on artificially influencing the results in that way.

    Thread Starter montesdesigns


    the only reason is because we had printed them out and had a actual poll with ballets that were printed and written votes taken that way…. would a excel import be more of a feasible option that does not overwrite but adds?


    Plugin Author shauno


    That seems like a fair enough reason, so I am going to add the idea to my list. I will investigate it when I look into the deleting of votes.

    Thanks for the feedback.

    Thread Starter montesdesigns


    Cool. Thanks for considering it.

    Plugin Author shauno


    Hey again Dan

    Another note to let you know this has now been added to v1.6 of the Premium add-on. Grab the update from your CodeCanyon account and update your site.

    Let me know if there are questions of problems. Enjoy!

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