• Resolved fredperes



    I have several users that are with the status “awaiting email confirmation”. But they can’t confirm their emails. I want to manually do it for them.

    I tried changing the “usermeta” table, looking for the user id and changing:

    um_member_directory_data = a:5:{s:14:”account_status”;s:8:”approved”;s:15:”hide_in_members”;b:0;s:13:”profile_photo”;b:1;s:11:”cover_photo”;b:0;s:8:”verified”;b:0;}

    account_status = approved

    But it didn’t work.

    How can I confirm their email accounts?

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • missveronica



    You can Approve the Users from the WP backend:

    Click at WP Users -> All Users -> “Waiting email confirmation” Link at the top line.

    Maybe you should increase the Number of Users displayed in “Screen Options” first at the same page top right corner.

    Select the Users.

    Select in UM Action dropdown “Approve Users” and click Apply.

    Plugin Support yuriinalivaiko


    Hello @fredperes

    Please don’t manipulate the database manually. You can break your website.

    You can use “UM Actions” on the Users page to manually approve users or re-send the activation email for them. How to approve the user manually:

    • go to wp-admin > Users.
    • select needed user(s).
    • choose the “Approve Membership” option in the “UM Actions” dropdown above the table.
    • click the “Apply” button next to the the “UM Actions” dropdown.

    Do the same but choose the “Resend Activation Email” option in the “UM Actions” dropdown if you wish to re-send the activation email.


    Thread Starter fredperes


    Thank you guys. I didn’t see the UM Actions dropdown. My bad! It’s waaaay easier than I thought.

    Ticket closed.

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