• Resolved alexprovsv



    This plugin is fantastic and is doing what I want so far. But I’d like for the label to extend across the entire product square, and it currently just stops at where the text ends. Is there a way to extend the label to fill the whole product square?

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  • Plugin Author ILLID



    Do you mean – make the label 100% width relative to the current product?


    Thread Starter alexprovsv


    Hi @mihail-barinov,

    Yes, correct. Here is a screenshot of the banner we have, and as you can see it does not extend to the left & right edges of the product image.

    Is this possible? Let me know.

    Plugin Author ILLID


    So you can add the following css inside the Custom CSS field of the label option:

    .awl-label-wrap {
    .awl-product-label {
    Thread Starter alexprovsv


    Score! That’s great. I adjusted it a little so that the text would center as well:

    .awl-label-wrap {width:100%;}

    .awl-product-label {width:100%; text-align:center;}

    Thanks for the help!

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