• Hi,
    I´d like to use Amcharts shortcodes to display some charts in multiple tabs on a single page.

    The first chart [amcharts id=”chart-1″] displays in the first div as expected.

    However, clicking on subsequent tabs reveals blank divs. The charts won´t display.

    The documentation provides an explanation here:
    and a fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/amcharts/mZ2Gq/

    So guessing that this chart.invalidateSize code should go in the javascript input field for the Amcharts wordpress plugin. Something like this perhaps?

    $(function() {
          $( "#tab" ).tabs({
            select: function(event, ui) {
              console.log('Calling chart.invalidateSize()');

    Using that code example creates an a TypeError in the javascript console.

    What code is needed to make it run correctly in WordPress?

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