• Resolved willaxa



    We’re about to invest in a Backup solution and were just wondering if WPVivid using MainWP would trigger a backup before the plugins and themes get updated through MainWP?

    And wondering if WPVivid would have tokens for the Pro Reports sent to clients monthly?

    Excited to use your plugin. 🙂



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  • Plugin Support tonyrobins


    Hello @willaxa

    if WPVivid using MainWP would trigger a backup before the plugins and themes get updated through MainWP?

    It is currently not implemented yet but is already in our to-do list.

    if WPVivid would have tokens for the Pro Reports sent to clients monthly?

    The tokens are offered by MainWP. WPvivid extension supports reporting backups through MainWP Pro reports.

    All the best,

    @tonyrobins One of the primary reasons I purchased your product was the fact that this extension existed for MainWP. Currently I am using UpdraftPlus and have been happy with it for years. But the one drawback is the fact that I can’t do backups before running updates on a child site. An option that happens automatically when I run updates from within the admin backend of the site. Having the backups performed before updates fron within MainWP would be the icing on the cake for this extension and another point to rave about WPVivid in my social media groups.

    @willaxa MainWP has the tokens for UpdraftPlus. So. I’m sure that they will provide the same tokens for WPVivid

    Plugin Support tonyrobins


    Hello @kwsim539

    Thanks for your feedback.

    We are working with MainWP team to try to implement the feature.

    Stay tuned,

    All the best,



    Please implement this feature soon. I have asked Customer Support for this feature for 2 years now and we are still waiting.

    This is one of the main purpose of a backup plugin to protect the site from an update that goes wrong so the site can be restore. Currently this is not possible via MainWP when using WPvivid.

    Currently we have to go to each site individually and run updates to ensure a backup is run first.

    This feature needs to be added now!

    Plugin Support tonyrobins


    Hello @esilverstrike

    Thanks for reaching out to us.

    We have already discussed many details regarding the implementation of the feature with MainWP team in many emails, and there are still some details need to be confirmed on their side.

    Sometimes the responses can take some time because they need to work on their own projects first. But we are trying to move faster.

    Also, since this is a pro version feature and we are not permitted to offer support for it in this forum, I am going to mark the thread as resolved. For any further replies, please feel free to submit a ticket or contact us.

    All the best,

    WPvivid Support Team

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