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  • Plugin Author creativethemeshq


    Hi @wpgato2009,
    This seems like a caching issue not a theme one.

    If you are using a caching plugin – make sure you clear/purge the caches and reset the css/js minified files.

    Also please make sure that you don’t have any server side caching modules enabled.

    Hope this helps.

    Thread Starter wpgato2009


    Hi, I’m using the wp super cache plugin and clearing all the cache, but still not working. One Question how do I reset the CSS/js in Wordpres? Do you have any guide?


    Thread Starter wpgato2009


    I also talk whit the support and they told me that use the Autoptimize Plugin. But still have the same issue

    Plugin Author creativethemeshq


    Hi @wpgato2009,
    Everything works fine on our end.

    Try to make a clean WordPress site and install Blocksy theme and you will see that everything works fine.

    From what I saw on your website that’s for sure a caching issue not a theme one.

    And by the way, if you want support for Blocksy theme please use this forum instead –

    Thread Starter wpgato2009


    Yes, it works I talk with my Bluehost support and they clear the server cache. Thanks

    Plugin Author creativethemeshq


    Hi @wpgato2009, glad everything works fine now 🙂

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