• Resolved allanvm


    I have a problem, in my theme “the7” the plugin works well, almost perfect, but on the “main panel” page there are some errors in the interface, I wanted to request your help to know what to do or modify to solve the errors so that look correctly, the ones that have a problem are: (dashboard default, favorite courses and the user’s public account) I attach images so that you can see the error I have, what I want is for them to have the same margin as in the last image.

    Thanks in advance for all the help!

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Hello,

    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    In order to provide you with custom CSS, I require access to a test account on your website. However, I encountered an issue while trying to register a new user and did not receive the activation email. To better assist you, could you please disable this feature on your website so that I can proceed to register and provide custom CSS? Additionally, thank you for sending the screenshots. It would be helpful if you could also provide the exact links to the screenshots.

    I look forward to your response.


    Jacob Support Team

    Thread Starter allanvm


    Hello Jacob,
    I tested the registration system and it works correctly, anyway you can use this test user and log in.

    User: test
    Password: test

    The links to the pages that have visual problems are as follows:

    I look forward to all the help you can give me to solve the problems.



    Thank you for sending me test credentials.

    Based on the problem you have I can offer solutions which might be suitable to your problem right now. The first thing is to try the Elementor container. Here is the general information about it and once you are familiar with it you can use 6 simple steps to adjust your table with the help of that. Here is the manual for your reference as well. Additionally, I hope this video tutorial also will help you to visualize how to use and apply the changes to your website.

    The second way is to use a child theme. To know more about the child theme, please visit that documentation link and create and install the child theme. Once done, navigate to functions.php then copy/paste the code below

    let targetElement = document.querySelector('.stm-lms-wrapper-wishlist.user-account-page');
    let container = document.createElement('div');
    container.className = 'container';
    while (targetElement.firstChild) container.appendChild(targetElement.firstChild);

    I hope my solutions will help although if it does not try to switch to another theme like MasterStudy Starter theme as it is free of charge. We have not heard any anomalies regarding the padding and margin of the containers yet which switching the theme ought to help if my 2 solution will not help.

    Let me know about your progress and do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions in the future,

    Your sincerely,

    Jacob, Support team

    Thread Starter allanvm


    It didn’t get fixed, and when installing the child theme it corrupted the course file page, for this reason I decided to try another LMS option to create the courses.
    Thank you very much for your help!

    Plugin Support juliastylemixthemes


    Hello @allanvm,

    Let us know if changing theme won’t solve the issue or you will have additional questions according to the LMS plugin default settings and options. We will be glad to assist you.

    Best regards,

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