• hello
    in the email notification that i send, i add a link to the file using the % links.
    however, in the final email, the link to the file is preceded with a “mailto:” tag so if clicked it launched the link in a new email.
    i cant work out what im doing wrong!

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  • Plugin Author nickboss


    Hi, can you send me the shortcode of the upload form to check?



    Thread Starter billyqureshi


    you know what, i think the issue is actually down to my mail provider as it doesn’t happen when i use another email address. sorry for this, but if you can answer one other thing i would be very grateful…

    in the upload success message that is displayed on the page, i cant use field values (like you can in the email notification).
    i want to include the url to the file in the success message, and the url is “domain.com/uploads/emailaddress/filename”
    but i cant add the email address tag in the url.
    i cant use %filepath% as it just shows the path from the web root, not the domain.

    is this possible to add the email field to this message?

    Plugin Author nickboss


    You can use the following hook:

    if (!function_exists('wfu_process_files_alt')) {
        function wfu_process_files_alt($res, $params, $method) {
            $sid = $params["uploadid"];
            $hiddeninput = 'hiddeninput_'.$sid;
            $userdata_fields = $params["userdata_fields"]; 
            $search = array ();
            $replace = array ();
            foreach ( $userdata_fields as $userdata_key => $userdata_field ) {
                $value = ( isset($_POST[$hiddeninput.'_userdata_'.$userdata_key]) ? strip_tags($_POST[$hiddeninput.'_userdata_'.$userdata_key]) : "" );
                $ind = 1 + $userdata_key;
                array_push($search, '/%userdata'.$ind.'%/');  
                array_push($replace, $value);
            $params['successmessage'] = preg_replace($search, $replace, $params['successmessage']);
            $res["vars"]["params"] = $params;
            $res["result"] = "X";
            return $res;
        add_filter('wfu_debug-wfu_process_files', 'wfu_process_files_alt', 10, 3);
        $GLOBALS['wfu_debug-wfu_process_files'] = "1";

    You need to put it in functions.php of your theme. Then, if you want to put a userdata field value, you can put %userdata1% or %userdata2% etc. inside Success Message label.



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