• Resolved userguyj


    Hello, I have just downloaded MailPoet for my company and am trying to create lists based on the specific WooCommerce item each customer purchased. My site has 4 main products/items and I wish to segment the existing list of all customers based on which of these items they have purchased and then email them based on that classification. Is this possible?

    Thanks in advance for your help!

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  • Plugin Support Bruna a11n


    Hi @userguyj,

    My site has 4 main products/items and I wish to segment the existing list of all customers based on which of these items they have purchased and then email them based on that classification. Is this possible?

    Yes, this is possible to do using MailPoet’s Segments. You can filter your subscribers according to their past purchases, and then create newsletters to be sent to each one of these segments only.

    For reference: https://kb.mailpoet.com/article/237-guide-to-subscriber-segmentation#product

    I hope this is the feature you were looking for! 🙂

    Plugin Support Ojoma a11n


    Hello there @userguyj ,

    We haven’t heard back from you in a while, so I’m going to mark this as resolved – if you have any further questions, you can start a new thread.

    Have a great day.

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