• Resolved Biche



    I’ve been using Mailchimp Forms by Mailmunch for 4 years with no issues so first and foremost, thanks for the great plugin.

    Sadly, I deactivated the plugin while I was trying to resolve a problem I was having with my site, reactivated it, and now can’t get a form to automatically be inserted at the end my posts.

    Forms work fine if I embed them as a shortcode in content, but I am not able to use Display Rules to insert them automatically at the end of my post.

    Might anyone be able to help?


    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Contributor Liz Gannes


    Hi @biche, Can you please create a support ticket with us through your MailMunch account? I was not able to find our site code added to the URL you provided which indicates that our plugin is no longer installed or you have some caching plugin installed which is restricting our site code from being added.

    Thread Starter Biche


    Hi Liz,

    Thanks for your reply. I eventually got it to work. Thanks again!


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