• Resolved grahamclements


    I did the latest update to mailchimp popup and for some reason it removed the license from active, and I can’t get it to be active again, which means that the popup no longer asks for the name of the person using it, and the information is no longer sent to my mailchimp account.

    When I try to activate it I get an error message “An error occured, pleast try again.”

    I went into my sygnoos account it says it is active. I have been having a ridiculous conversation with SYGNOOS who says I don’t have a subscription of the mailchimp popup, when the evidence is clear on my account that I do.

    Please help.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support Jawad Ahmed


    Hi @grahamclements

    I believe our team has resolved this matter from our side. Kindly verify.

    As we possess a ticket from your end and have responded through that ticket, I will proceed to label this conversation as resolved. Nevertheless, should you require further assistance, we remain available to provide support.

    Best regards,

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