• En 2021, nous avons confié la refonte de notre site à une graphiste qui a utilisé Astra en version Pro.
    Depuis, nous regrettons amèrement !

    • Ce template offre énormément de possibilité, mais il est horriblement lourd et complexe, on ne retrouve jamais facilement l’endroit où corriger des choses. Chaque correction se transforme en cauchemar !
    • Alors que notre ancien site réalisé avec TOTAL était rapide (tout en ayant plus de pages, plus de contenus, plus d’images, plus de fonctionnalités = téléchargements, et sur le même hébergement), le nouveau site est lent, lent, si lent !
    • Alors que l’ancien site bénéficiait d’un SEO correct, le nouveau site n’est plus du tout référencé dans les moteurs de recherche, nous ne comprenons pas du tout pourquoi malgré nos recherches.
    • Il est fréquent que des mises à jour du template ou d’autres plugins modifient certaines mises en forme ou désactivent des menus, ce qui impose des corrections intempestives sur le site !!
    • La mise à jour automatique du plugin Astra Pro ne fonctionne pas, l’éditeur prétend que c’est un bug de WordPress alors que tous les autres plugins se mettent à jour automatiquement.

    Trop, c’est trop. Essayer d’améliorer notre site reviendrait à faire rouler un cube, nous allons donc le refaire en abandonnant Astra sans aucun regret, sinon celui d’avoir du subir sa lourdeur et sa lenteur pendant 3 ans. Notre prochain site sera fait avec le template TOTAL, comme l’ancien.

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  • Hello @comxcom

    My name is Mehedi, and I’m the Product Manager here at Astra.

    Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback regarding your experience with Astra. We value all users’ feedback and strive to address any concerns raised.

    We are truly sorry to hear about the challenges you have faced with the Astra Pro version. Your experience is important to us, and we regret that our product did not meet your expectations. Please allow us to address your concerns:

    1. Complexity and Ease of Use: Could you please share the specific feature or scenario where you find it difficult to configure? We are continuously working on improving the user interface to make it more intuitive, and having your input will definitely help us make Astra even better. We also have extensive documentation and support to assist users in managing their sites effectively.
    2. Site Performance: It is concerning to hear about the slowness of your site! Astra is designed to be lightweight and fast. There could be several factors affecting performance, such as specific configurations or external plugins. Our support team is available to help diagnose and resolve these issues. Did you have a chance to get in touch with our support team on this?
    3. SEO Issues: SEO is not only depends on the site theme, it can be influenced by various elements, including site structure, content, and external factors. We recommend reviewing SEO practices and settings within Astra, and our team can provide guidance to help improve your site’s SEO.
    4. Updates and Formatting Issues: We apologize for any inconvenience caused by updates affecting your site’s formatting. Our development team is dedicated to ensuring that updates are smooth and do not disrupt site functionality. If you can share any recent breaks that came after release, we will investigate it further to prevent such issues.
    5. Automatic Updates for Astra Pro: Generally, if there is no problem with the site, the automatic updates should work correctly. This issue is not known to us as a common problem. However, we can help you identify why this is not working for you and ensure you can receive updates seamlessly.

    We genuinely appreciate your feedback and would like to offer our support to resolve these issues. Please reach out to our support team, and we will prioritize your case to ensure a satisfactory resolution.

    Again, thank you for sharing your feedback, which we take very seriously. We hope to have the opportunity to restore your faith in Astra.

    Mehedi Hasan

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