• Resolved joelsolak


    Since installing the Ultimate Member plugin all has worked well on our site however various original wordpress administrator functions have stopped working.
    The ‘Add Plugin’ option is now removed and a banner appears at the top of the screen ‘WordPress 5.9 is now available. Please notify the site administrator’ when logged in as the site administrator. Creation of a new admin yields no luck either. Any advice would be greatly appreciated to resolve this.

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  • Plugin Contributor Champ Camba


    Hi @joelsolak

    Do you have access to the WP Admin > Ultimate Member > User Roles?


    Thread Starter joelsolak


    Sure do, I’ve not customised the amdmin role in any way shape or form in ultimate member hence my confusion.

    Plugin Contributor Champ Camba


    Hi @joelsolak

    Could you please provide screenshots of the UM > User Roles > Admin role settings? You can upload the screenshot via imgur.com and then share the image URL here so we can review it.


    Thread Starter joelsolak


    Plugin Contributor Champ Camba


    Hi @joelsolak

    Can you please try checking “Can access WP-Admin?” for the administrator account?


    Thread Starter joelsolak


    Sure, done that sadly nil improvement.

    Plugin Contributor Champ Camba


    Hi @joelsolak

    Could you please check how many roles are assigned to your test admin account? Is it only the “Administrator” role?


    Thread Starter joelsolak


    Hi Champ,

    I’ve investigated the profile and it appears to be just ‘Administrator’
    Warm regards,

    Plugin Contributor Champ Camba


    Hi @joelsolak

    Could you please try disabling other plugins and leaving UM as the only active plugin? Let’s see if this is a conflict issue with other plugins.


    Thread Starter joelsolak


    Hi Champ,
    I have just attempted this sadly no changes to the loss of admin rights.

    Plugin Contributor Champ Camba


    Hi @joelsolak

    I just that you create a new Admin role in the UM > Users Roles and then assign that role to those users who lost admin rights. Let’s see if this issue still occurs after switching the roles.


    Thread Starter joelsolak


    Apologies for the delay. I created a new user role in the plugin entitled UM-ADMIN and enabled all settings. Sadly it still tells the logged in user to contact admin, plugins cannot be removed and the site not updated.

    Plugin Support Ultimate Member Support


    Hi @joelsolak

    Sorry for the late response.

    Could you please provide a screenshot of the Capabilities of the UM-ADMIN role? Please go to WP Admin > Ultimate Member > User Roles > Edit UM-ADMIN role > see “Capabilities” section at the bottom page.

    Thread Starter joelsolak


    No need to apologise at all. Most certainly https://imgur.com/a/N1RiyPf. you should find everything via that link.

    Thread Starter joelsolak


    @champsupertramp @ultimatemembersupport
    Just an further update since creating that new Admin account in User Roles I’ve now lost the WordPress Admin bar in all accounts. It does not show when logged into the site. Even accounts without the custom UM Role no longer have the the bar showing. I’ve checked the accounts and the tick box is still enabled to show it. We really can’t afford to keep loosing things like this.

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