• Resolved ArtEuphoria


    The OS: Linux
    PHP Version: 7.4.33
    WP Version: 6.2.2
    MySQL Version: 5.5.5
    Directory Separator: /

    Copy logs:
    21-03-2024 11:35:10 – 1x, [total: 0.054857969284058, avg: 0.054857969284058] (mem: 70.61 MB – 74036760, peak: 26 MB – 27262976)
    21-03-2024 10:12:55 – 1x, [total: 0.062429189682007, avg: 0.062429189682007] (mem: 70.64 MB – 74076480, peak: 4 MB – 4194304)
    21-03-2024 10:12:00 – 1x, [total: 0.049103021621704, avg: 0.049103021621704] (mem: 70.28 MB – 73693512, peak: 4 MB – 4194304)

    Thank’s for free plugin 🙂

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  • Plugin Support MixHa


    Thank you for the logs arteuphoria, we’ll use this information for further plugin optimizations.

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