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  • Plugin Support weblizar_support


    Hi, AnitaSmithers

    Please send the name of the theme which is you are using. and also check one thing to deactivate the plugins one by one and check if any plugin conflicts then please also tell us the name of the plugin.


    Plugin Support weblizar_support


    Hi, AnitaSmithers

    Before applying above message thing Please check that the logo image uploaded or not if the logo image not uploaded then please upload the logo image from logo settings and then check the image visible or not check and notify us.


    Thread Starter AnitaSmithers


    It appears you’ve done an update to the Plug-in and now my logo has appeared… so for whatever you did – thank you 🙂

    Plugin Support weblizar_support


    Hi, AnitaSmithers

    Thanks for using Admin Custom Login.


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