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  • Plugin Support KaineLabs Team


    Hello @davet1408

    Thanks for reaching us

    May I know, do you have another Login and Registration system on your website? It usually come from your theme or other membership plugin.

    Waiting for your reply. 🙂

    Best Regards, KaineLabs Team.

    Thread Starter davet1408


    I do not have another membership plugin.
    I have deactivated every plugin other than buddypress and youzify and tried the login page, but still the same issue. If I enter the user name and password and click the Log In button it just seems like the page refreshes without login.
    I am using the Buddyx Child theme.
    Appreciate your help

    Thread Starter davet1408


    I deleted the login page, and created another one.
    All is good now.

    Thread Starter davet1408


    Only issue now is that my menu navigation link points to wp-login.php and not my youzify login page!
    How do I change that?

    Thread Starter davet1408


    Ignore me, that’s a theme option.

    Plugin Support KaineLabs Team


    Hello @davet1408

    Sorry for did not attend you earlier. But I am glad to know you have sorted it by yourself.

    I will mark this ticket as resolved. But in case something else comes up, feel free to reopen it again. 🙂

    Best Regards, KaineLabs Team.

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