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  • Plugin Support Mihai Joldis


    Hey @mehdi24

    I tested this on my end by entering the username/password in the login field but not pressing the Login button.

    Right now on the latest EDD version in orde to be logged in from the Checkout page you need to enter the username/password and then press the Login button.

    Thread Starter Mehdi24


    Sorry, you said in first paragraph that you logged in not using Login button and in second one said need to press Login button. I’m confused.

    Plugin Support Mihai Joldis


    I went to the checkout page and with the Login form visible on the page I entered the username/password but I did not press the login button.
    I completed the checkout process and I was NOT logged in after that.

    So even if you enter the username/password in the field you will not be logged in unless you actually click the Login button.

    Thread Starter Mehdi24


    If you mean new EDD versions, yes but in old versions (like 2.9.12) user remains logged in after checkout proceed.

    Plugin Support Mihai Joldis


    Hey @mehdi24
    If you use the Auto Register extension which is free then a user account is created for the customer during the purchase and then they are automatically logged in like you want.

    Thread Starter Mehdi24


    No i i dont use Auto Register extension. I prefer to user create his account

    Plugin Support Mihai Joldis



    At the moment a customer has to enter the account information into the Login fields if they are visible on the checkout page and click the Login button.
    Once they are logged in they can continue with the Purchase on the Checkout page.

    If you want to automatically login a customer when they hit Purchase IF they entered the login user/password then you would need custom code.

    Thread Starter Mehdi24


    Can you share this Custom code?

    Plugin Support Mihai Joldis


    We don’t have something like that so you would need to hire a developer to have it built for you.

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