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  • Plugin Support Syde Niklas


    Hi @richardfoley,

    Javascript for the Mini Cart may be loaded on this page. Do you have the button on the Mini Cart enabled? You can find this at the bottom of the plugin settings.
    Disabling the button for the Mini Cart will cause the scripts to not load on this page.

    Kind regards,

    Thread Starter Richard Foley


    hi @niklasinpsyde,

    thanks for getting back to me.

    Yes, I’ve discovered this setting finally under WooCommerce->Settings->PayPal->MiniCart and switched it off. This appears to have stopped the erroneous paypal api check with every URL request on the site. So this is good. Thank you.

    However, I’d recommend you to ship this plugin with this preset to UNCHECKED. As it stands all sites with WC + PayPal (most of them?) will be calling, and waiting for, a paypal API lookup with every single page request on their entire site. Including any pages which have nothing to do with any shop or product whatsoever! This cannot be a good thing. If anything, the paypal API should *only* ever be loaded for shop or product pages, surely?

    All the same, thanks for the help to localize and workaround the immediate problem.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by Richard Foley.
    Plugin Support Syde Niklas


    Hi @richardfoley,

    The behavior is correct.
    When you have the button on the mini cart enabled, then the script will be loaded on every page where the mini cart is present.
    The script is not loaded on every single page request, but instead only on all page requests that actually include a mini cart and are therefore relevant to the activated setting.
    If your theme does not have a mini cart but the setting for the button is enabled, then the scripts will not be loaded.

    Kind regards,

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