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  • Thread Starter parms


    I have a Support thread on the WPS Login forum as well, you can have a look here.

    Plugin Author Uncanny Owl


    Hi @parms ,

    Thanks for making us aware of the issue and the context.

    I wonder if we could get more details, as we’re having trouble reproducing the problem on our site. Can you confirm what you mean by “I’m using Uncanny Owl’s log-in module to redirect users to the log-in page”, so how are you using one of our tools to take anonymous visitors to a login page? Otherwise, in the Front End Login module settings, have you set the login page map to match what you’re using in WPS Hide Login?


    Thread Starter parms


    Hi dev team,

    Yes, so instead of manually directing users to the login page, I’m using the Log In/Log Out Links module as shown on this page.

    There is no place for me to tell the widget where to redirect users/map the log in page.

    Please advise,


    Plugin Author Uncanny Owl


    We did some additional testing on our end and it while we weren’t able to reproduce the issue you’re seeing with 404 errors, we did see an issue with a redirect loop occurring with the “Log In” link while the WPS hide login plugin was active.

    It’s important to use a special link when users are logging out because that link has to be dynamically generated. However, the “Log In” link is a static link to the login page (as defined in the Front End Login module settings). Could you try using a static link to the login page instead of the Log In/Log Out shortcode/menu link to see if that works? You could then hide the Log In link if users are logged in, and hide the Log Out link if users are logged out, using the Menu Item Visiblity module. That would behave the same way the Log In/Log Out link works.

    Thread Starter parms


    Hi Uncanny Owl Team,

    I’m sure a static link will work (I’ve gone directly to that URL before) but I thought that would defeat the purpose of having a hide login button. I’m not sure how brute force attackers work, but if I have my login link visible in my main menu, wouldn’t they be able to find the login page just as easily?



    Plugin Author Uncanny Owl


    Hi Parm, it seems as though the WPS Hide Login plugin simply moves the login form /wp-login.php to a URL of your choosing. You still need to get users there somehow. Unfortunately, our login/logout links module isn’t compatible with WPS Hide Login because it doesn’t know what page you’ve set as your login page in the WPS Hide Login settings. However, even if it could detect the URL, it would simply output a direct link to the page, which would be the same as using a static link.

    Thread Starter parms


    I was actually having another issue with this plugin and I ended up deleting in entirely. My users weren’t able to log in. They would click log in and be redirected to the homepage and that loop would continue until they were locked out. I tested and it turned out to be this plugin creating the issue.

    I found another solution.

    Thank you for your prompt responses and help.


    • This reply was modified 2 weeks, 3 days ago by parms.
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