• Resolved wpuser365


    Hello and thank you very much for taking a look at this.
    I’m relatively new to custom code and this is my very first post here.

    I can’t localize the Ninja Forms used flatpickr for German.

    I have looked at https://flatpickr.js.org/localization/ but I cannot figure out how to apply the settings for Ninja Forms Datepicker.

    I want to use WP Code lite to use the snippet, if possible.

    But whatever I have tried so far has not worked.

    I’d appreciate any advice.

    Kind regards

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  • Plugin Support Shaylee



    Thank you for reaching out and welcome to the world of custom coding! It’s great to hear you’re diving into customizing Ninja Forms’ Datepicker to better suit your needs.

    Localizing the flatpickr for German in Ninja Forms involves a few specific steps, and while the flatpickr documentation provides a good starting point, integrating it directly with Ninja Forms can be slightly more complex due to how scripts are enqueued and managed within WordPress.

    I recommend using WP Code Lite for custom snippets, as you’ve mentioned. However, since custom code solutions can be quite specific and might require a detailed walkthrough, I strongly encourage you to get in touch with our Customer Success team. We offer free support to all users, and our team would be more than happy to assist you in getting the localization set up correctly for your Ninja Forms Datepicker.

    You can contact us directly for support, and we’ll guide you through the process. Here’s where you can find us: Ninja Forms Support. Don’t hesitate to contact us; we’re here to ensure you have the best experience possible with our plugin.

    Looking forward to assisting you further!

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