• Resolved jarmos



    Wanted to find out if this plugin also supports local payment options Braintree offers?

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  • Plugin Contributor SkyVerge


    Hey there,

    Thanks for writing to us about our plugin! I apologize for the delay in getting back to you. I’d be happy to help out here. 🙂

    I’d like to get a better idea to ensure I’m offering the right answers and suggestions. I was able to find the following guide describing Braintree’s Local Payment Options feature here:


    Could you confirm if this is the feature you are referring to?



    Thread Starter jarmos




    Plugin Contributor SkyVerge


    Hey there,

    Thanks so much for confirming that for me! I’ve looked over the developer documentation and our code and confirmed that this isn’t something our plugin integrates with at this time.

    That said, thanks so much for letting us know that Local Payment Methods support is important for your business! I’ve shared the details about this feature request with our product planning team so they will review it when planning new features and plugins. I can’t say when (or if) this will make it onto our development roadmap, so I’d recommend keeping an eye on the changelog
    and our email newsletter for regular development updates.<br>

    I’m sorry I don’t have better news at this time. Is there anything else I could help you with today?



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