• Resolved Forest Skills


    I use WP Forms for people to complete when sending in a message, etc. When submitted WP Forms then sends me an email with the contents of the form.

    Uncanny Automator has a recipe that takes the contents of the WP Forms field and adds them to cells on a new line on a Google Docs spreadsheet.

    Until last week I think everything worked, but having changed some settings to resolve one issue, I’m now faced with this one; the settings in Litespeed seem to be preventing the Uncanny Automator recipes from running (not the WP Forms email setting).

    What do I need to select/change/turn on/off in Litespeed to get the Automator recipes running again?


    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support qtwrk


    do you remember what settings you changed ?

    Thread Starter Forest Skills


    That’s part of the problem…


    Plugin Support qtwrk


    well … I guess we need to the old fashion way then

    please try

    1. make sure it works without LiteSpeed Cache, this is at least narrow down if issue is related to LSCWP or not
    2. if 1) is true , then you can export your current setting, and then reset it to default setting, you can do so in LiteSpeed Cache -> Toolbox -> Import/Export , this will narrow down if it was due to setting on our plugin , or something more deep from code
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