• Resolved CAM


    Though I am able to set the link color in the Footer Customizer, there doesn’t seem to be an option to change the hover color on links in the footer. Is there a way to do this through CSS instead? Or am I missing something in the settings? thanks!

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  • lopenmetvermogen


    Edit: Footer > Footer Menu > Style > Hover colour



    Hi there,

    If you still need help here, please let me know.



    Thread Starter CAM


    I do still need help. When I go to Appearance > Customize > Footer, there is no option for hover color in the Style panel, or anywhere in this Footer section. I can change text color, but not hover color. Any ideas here?


    Indeed, there is no option for that, but this can be easily done through CSS (depending on the exact element you have there, there might be changes required to the code).

    You can add this in Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS:

    #site-footer a:hover {
    color:red !important;



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