• Resolved karistuck


    link does not appear link thumbnail and activity.
    When I was check for no thumbnail check box that work fine.

    Admin appear link thumbnail. but group member does not appear on Group.

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by karistuck.
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  • Plugin Support Pawel – WPMU DEV Support


    Hello @karistuck

    Hope you are doing well!

    link does not appear link thumbnail and activity.
    When I was check for no thumbnail check box that work fine.

    Just to clarify, after sharing a link it is not showing up at the Activity Feed? Or the thumbnails is not appearing when a link is shared by a user?

    Would you please let me know which link you are trying to share? I’ve tested the plugin on my end, and after sharing as a user a link on the activity feed, the thumbnails were generated.

    Admin appear link thumbnail. but group member does not appear on Group.

    Please let me know more information about this issue? Would you please share here a link to your site so I could have a closer look at this issue?

    Kind regards,

    Plugin Support Dimitris – WPMU DEV Support


    Hello @karistuck

    I’m marking this topic as resolved as we didn’t hear from you for a while.
    Reply back with any updates that could assist us and we’ll carry on troubleshooting. 🙂

    Take care,

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