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  • Plugin Author Florian Brinkmann


    Hey Laurence,

    good question 🙂 Yes, I think that makes sense. I would include it as an additional option and modify the markup when enabled, and – if the user wants – he can adjust the config manually via a code snippet.

    While writing this, maybe it is time to add a textarea to the plugin settings to allow users to insert config modifications. What do you think?


    Thread Starter lozula


    Hey Florian,

    That’s a great idea. I do it manually in my site code at the moment, but having a location to do it in the plugin would be tidier for sure 🙂

    Thanks so much for the quick response and a great plugin!


    Plugin Author Florian Brinkmann


    Hi Laurence,

    you’re welcome, thanks for the feedback 🙂 I will try to add this in the next days and come back to you with a beta version for testing, if that would be okay 🙂


    Thread Starter lozula


    Of course, I would be happy to try it out 🙂

    Plugin Author Florian Brinkmann


    Hi Laurence,

    I added the options and released a beta of it ( – the Would you give it a try and check if it is working for you? 🙂


    Thread Starter lozula


    Hi @florianbrinkmann

    The plugin won’t activate. It throws the following error:

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘)’ in /www/wp-content/plugins/lazy-loading-responsive-images/src/Settings.php on line 156

    Thread Starter lozula


    I’m still happy to test of course, just let me know when you are ready 🙂

    Plugin Author Florian Brinkmann


    Hey Laurence,

    thanks a lot and sorry for answering late. Thanks for testing, and sorry for the error. I am not really sure why it appeared. I tried something and released a new beta, but wanted to test it first on my own site before you try it again 🙂 I will try to do this tomorrow and – if it works for me – come back to you.


    Thread Starter lozula


    No worries, and no rush Florian. Just wanted to let you know I’m happy to help 🙂

    Plugin Author Florian Brinkmann


    Thanks, really appreciate it! ❤ 🙂

    Plugin Author Florian Brinkmann


    Hi Laurence,

    I downloaded the second beta ZIP ( and installed it on a test site. No fatal error, so I hope it should be fixed. Could you give it another try?


    Thread Starter lozula


    Hey Florian!

    Yep, seems to work fine. Running on my live site with no issues. I also tested it with the Chrome Beta with the lazy load flags enabled, and the page performs as expected with the browsers lazy load taking over the lazy load functions 🙂

    So all looks good to me!


    Plugin Author Florian Brinkmann


    Hi Laurence,

    great, thanks for testing! 🙂 I will release the new version to the repo as soon as I have fixed one more issue (to get this via the normal update routine, you need to manually decrease the version number in the main plugin file, or overwrite the files manually via FTP after the final release. I will write here to let you know when it is released 🙂 ).


    Plugin Author Florian Brinkmann


    Hey Laurence,

    just wanted to let you know I released the final version (contains lazysizes 5.1.0).

    Will mark the topic as resolved.


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