• Resolved Boudewijn



    We like your cookie banner, but this is the second time the appearance suddenly changes.

    1. There are two duplicate links (at the bottom) to our cookie policy, that we can’t seem to remove.
    2. The link in the text to our cookie policy (works fine in the editor) doesn’t show.

    Please advice.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author Rogier Lankhorst


    Hi @wbrooseboom,

    The two links: you have probably selected the same document for both privacy statement and cookie banner in the wizard. If you set privacy statement to “no document”, one link should disappear.

    I’ll get back to you on the link, I have to look into that.

    Plugin Author Rogier Lankhorst


    The link on your cookie banner shows without issues by the way. If I click on it, I get redirected to the cookie policy.

    Plugin Author Rogier Lankhorst


    Regarding the changes: I apologize for the changes, but these were needed to keep the plugin up to date with the latest gdpr and wcag requirements. Additionally, the code is now faster and smaller in size, and jquery has been removed as dependency.

    I expect this to be the last major change to the front-end.

    Thread Starter Boudewijn


    Thanks for your quick reply, however:

    1. The tex link does not work on our end (yes it works in the editor). It’s unfortunate that I cannot share a screenshot here, but we see no link.

    2. Where can we set the privacy statement to no document?

    3. The text font size is also different from the editor, can that be edited?

    Thread Starter Boudewijn


    With nr. ‘1’ I do not mean the two links at the bottom, I mean the link that we added to the text.

    I uploaded a screenshot here: https://mercuryredstone.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/Screenshot-2022-01-14-at-23.39.46.png

    Plugin Contributor Aert Hulsebos


    Hoi @wbrooseboom,

    Can you upload the screenshot with snipboard.io, this image doesn’t work at my end.

    For #2 In the Wizard – General – Documents

    For #3 Some CSS -> here are a couple of possibilities for font-sizes per element.

    /* Cookie Message */
    .cmplz-cookiebanner .cmplz-message {
    /* Category Title */
    .cmplz-cookiebanner .cmplz-categories .cmplz-category .cmplz-category-header .cmplz-category-title {
    font-size: 13px;
    /* Buttons */
    .cmplz-cookiebanner .cmplz-buttons .cmplz-btn {
        font-size: 13px;
    /* Document Links */
    .cmplz-cookiebanner .cmplz-links .cmplz-link {
        font-size: 13px;
    Thread Starter Boudewijn


    The text link now also shows for us (maybe caching) and the font size also works. Question nr.2 regarding the privacy statement remains though.

    Thread Starter Boudewijn


    Oh sorry, I didn’t see your answer. Thanks I’ll have a look.

    Thread Starter Boudewijn


    Do you maybe also have some CSS for the text (size and line height)?

    Plugin Author Rogier Lankhorst


    You can use the following css:

    /* Banner Title */
    .cmplz-cookiebanner .cmplz-header .cmplz-title {
    /* Cookie Message */
    .cmplz-cookiebanner .cmplz-message {
    /* Category Title */
    .cmplz-cookiebanner .cmplz-categories .cmplz-category .cmplz-category-header .cmplz-category-title {
    font-size: 13px;
    /* Buttons */
    .cmplz-cookiebanner .cmplz-buttons .cmplz-btn {
        font-size: 13px;
    /* Document Links */
    .cmplz-cookiebanner .cmplz-links .cmplz-link {
        font-size: 13px;
    Thread Starter Boudewijn


    Great, Thanks!

    Thread Starter Boudewijn


    Another ‘new’ thing is the small white rectangle that remains at the bottom of the page, which reverts to the cookie preferences. Is there a way to get rid of that?

    I have never seen that before. What’s the use? After accepting the cookies, why still show a rather strange white block with ‘preferences’?

    Plugin Contributor jarnovos


    Hi @wbrooseboom,

    The “Manage consent” button in the bottom right corner is there for the visitor to re-configure their consent preferences, so, this gives them the option to either revoke their consent or consent to additional categories at a later time.

    Its default behavior is to only appear when the mouse hovers over the button.

    You can set it to “always appear” with the below CSS (Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS):

    #cmplz-manage-consent .cmplz-manage-consent {
        bottom: 0px!important;

    Or hide the button entirely:

    #cmplz-manage-consent .cmplz-manage-consent {
        display: none!important;

    Kind regards,

    Thread Starter Boudewijn


    Im our case it permanently showed a white square, but you solution to hide it, did work. Thanks!

    Do you maybe also have a solution to show the cookie banner itself on top of other elements (z-index). We use a chat widget from Hubspot and would like the icon to sit behind the banner instead of on top.

    Plugin Contributor jarnovos


    Hi @wbrooseboom,

    The below CSS should do exactly that (can again be added to Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS):

    #hubspot-messages-iframe-container { z-index: 9999!important; }
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