• Resolved Dave McHale


    First: thanks for the plugin! Been using it for years, super helpful for template-based themes 🙂 Second, we got the following error when upgrading one of our sites today.

    [14-Sep-2023 19:03:31 UTC] PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function wp_is_block_theme() in /home/customer/www/MYDOMAIN.com/public_html/web/app/plugins/show-current-template/show-current-template.php:207

    The wp_is_block_theme() function was added to WordPress in v5.9 (source) but there are no enforced version minimums in the plugin… I have a client site stuck on WordPress 4.9, and after upgrading to the latest version of Simple Sitemap Pro, the whole website wound up with the dreaded White Screen of Death. I found the above line in my php_errorlog file, which let me rename the folder to bring back the website.

    Ideally the plugin should have the Requires at least: definition in the plugin header, and adding the Requires PHP: definition would probably be a good idea as well. These would allow WordPress to help enforce minimums so that things like usage of core functions that do/don’t exist can be more easily checked, since you can use it to PREVENT people with outdated technology from upgrading to the most recent version if their install will knowingly not support it. Here’s a link to contemporary examples of plugin headers in the developer handbook: https://developer.wordpress.org/plugins/plugin-basics/header-requirements/

    Thanks in advance!

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  • Plugin Author JOTAKI, Taisuke


    I’ve just added Requires at least: definition and Requires PHP: definition.

    Thank you very much for your advise!

    Thread Starter Dave McHale


    cheers! and thanks for the shout-out in the release notes 🙂 Marking this thread resolved 👍

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