• After latest update which took place a few days ago.

    Webserver kept crashing about one an hour.

    Investigated and came across a large amount of database R/W, I’m taking about just about every second and it grows and grows until website crashes.

    Eventually seen in the logs that it may be caused by Jetpack as it appeared on the front end statistics too many times.

    Once disabled, website hasn’t crashed even once and in-fact has become much faster.

    Just a FYI, this VPS has over 16GB of ram, and the webserver and wordpress database are the only services on it. Also, I’ve been using Jetpack for at least 7 years without issue.

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  • Tony


    I also noticed my website and dashboard loads way faster after removing Jetpack

    Plugin Support Joseph B. (a11n)


    Hi there,

    Thanks for sharing this feedback.

    We would love to diagnose this reported issue and work with you to address it in a manner that let you use the Jetpack plugin without issues.

    Could you please post your site URL here so that we can have a look? If you want it to remain private, you can also contact us via contact form. If you choose to reach out directly, please include a link to this thread.

    Thank you!

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